All posts filed under: INSIDE MY DOOR & GATE

A glimpse into my world 60 miles outside of the city

“Before the Snow Melts”

Spring in Alaska is difficult to describe. If you haven’t experienced the cycle of the seasons here it might not seem so exciting to see dirt, not wear a hat and gloves on a walk or have certainty that you will be able to make it up your driveway late on a Friday night and not have to park and adventure up a mile on ice cleats pulling a sled. I love winter here, but I think I just love Spring, Summer, and Fall more! Most of this weekend I spent inside. It almost feels wrong this time of year to not be outside. There was an hour or so spent cleaning the green house up, until I found a pot with dead shrews in the bottom of it and almost vomited and had to switch tasks!  There were a few trips out to the woodshed as it is still cool enough for a fire and Sunday I went out on a short foraging walk in the woods and was surprised to find a hat …

The Smell of September

 It was a rainy week perfumed with the smell of high bush cranberries. September is my favorite olfactory month in AK! This week was mostly spent resting as I was blessed with the chicken pox at the age of 34 luckily it was a very mild case. I did manage to fit in a little harvesting in the garden, a couple hours at state state fair and lots and lots of packing, mostly book packing to be specific. The packing is due to a new plan to spend more time in Sutton and less time in the city. I have to admit I love the double life of the city and the country. All I need to make it perfect is commuter rail service between Anchorage and Sutton! Looking forward to the next couple weeks, two weddings this next weekend and a fall wedding show the weekend after. Welcoming the changing colors and dusting of snow on the mountains as we transition into what we call fall in Alaska.

Geranium At My Window

As I sat at my desk this morning I looked at the geranium blooming at my window and was reminded of one of my very favorite Barabara Kingsolver quotes. The quote comes from a great collection of short stories “High Tide in Tucson” “In my own worst seasons I’ve come back from my colorless world of despair by forcing myself to look hard, for a long time, at a single glorious thing: a flame of red geranium outside my bedroom window . And then another: my daughter in a yellow dress. And another: the perfect outline of a full, dark sphere behind the crescent moon. Until I learned to be in love with life again. Like a stroke victim retraining new parts of the brain to grasp lost skills, I have taught myself joy, over and over again.” Yes, Barbara the beauty in flowers and colors is such a joy! It may be grey today, but there are still flowers! If you have not read any of Barbara Kingsolvers books I recommend cracking open one …